infiniteLoop, 4, Infinite loop in script processing genCmd1, 2, Generator command '&0' can be applied to instance only unknownTag, 4, Unknown tag &0 found unknownGenText, 4, Unknown generator text subtag &0 found cmdNotFound, 1, Generator Command '&0' not found cmdNotCreated, 1, Error creating Generator Command '&0' errCmdFileRead, 1, Error reading file '&0' in command &1 cmdScriptNotFound, 1, Script '&0' not found in command &1 invalRateValue, 1, Invalid rate &0 in command SetMovieParameters invalUrl, 1, Invalid url '&0' errDataRead, 1, Error reading data from datasource '&0' in command &1 invalDataSource, 1, Invalid datasource '&0' in command &1 invalAlpha, 1, Invalid percent value &0 in command &1 colNotFound, 1, Column &0 not found in datasource &1 in command SetEnvironment colNotFoundCmd, 1, Column &0 not found in datasource &1 in command &2 parseTemplate, 3, Parsing template '&0' errParseTemplate, 1, Error parsing template '&0' processTemplate, 3, Processing template '&0' errProcessTemplate,1, Error processing template '&0' genTemplate, 3, Generating SWF file from template '&0' errGenTemplate, 1, Error generating SWF file from template '&0' cantReadHeader, 1, Cannot read the header of template '&0' illegalHeader, 1, Template '&0' has illegal header - not a Shockwave Flash File fileTooShort, 1, Template '&0' size is too short fileTooBig, 1, Template '&0' too big to fit into memory errWritingFile, 1, Error writing file '&0' errReadingFile, 1, Error reading file '&0' fileNotFound, 1, File '&0' not found unknownError, 1, Unexpected exception caught, please send the log file to developers str, 1, '&0' reEncodingJPEG, 2, reEncoding JPEG image with quality &0 invlExternalFont, 1, Cannot find any fonts in file '&0' clipOrDefsym, 1, Table object has to have either Clip column or DefaultSymbol rowsOrCols, 1, Invalid number of rows or columns in command &0 borderTooThick, 1, Border is too thick in Table command processRequest, 2, Processed file '&0', output size &1 bytes, processing time &2ms, total time &3ms errReadingGif, 1, Error reading GIF stream errReadingJpg, 1, Error reading JPEG stream errDoCmd, 1, Error occured in file '&0', movie clip '&1', frame '&2', command '&3': errReadingPng, 1, Error reading PNG stream unsupMedia, 1, Unsupported media file '&0' noText, 1, No text for 'InsertText' command fontNotFound, 1, Font '&0' not found in command 'InsertText' connectingTo, 1, Connecting to &0 ... retrievingContent, 1, Retrieving content of &0 ... invlMP3Layer, 1, Invalid MP3 - only MPEG Audio Layer 3 supported invlMP3, 1, Invalid MP3 header invlMP3frequency, 1, Invalid MP3 frequency - must be 11025Hz, 22050Hz or 44100Hz